Videos of historical locations in Indiana.
Videos By County
- Dearborn County (IN) (83)
- Decatur County (IN) (13)
- Fayette County (IN) (10)
- Franklin County (IN) (20)
- Jennings County (IN) (12)
- Ohio County (IN) (19)
- Ripley County (IN) (38)
- Rush County (IN) (27)
- 17 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Historic Aurora, Indiana
- 1816 Indiana State Constitutional Delegate Memorial Ceremonies, Dearborn County, Indiana
- 20,000 Foreigners Hired to Rebuild Railroad in Dearborn County, Indiana
- 2024 Solar Eclipse, Morristown, Indiana
- 2nd Oldest Bridge in Franklin County, Indiana
- A Place Called Yesterday, Hayden, Indiana
- Abandoned Eikenberry Bridge, Denver, Indiana
- Abandoned Fox Run Railroad Bridge Abutment, Guilford, Indiana
- Abandoned Interurban Bridge Found In The Woods Near New Castle, Indiana
- Aberdeen, Indiana, Level 4 Ghost Town
- Aldridge Cemetery, Milroy, Indiana
- Anna Petrovic Meyer former member of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League
- Arlington East Hill Cemetery, Arlington, Indiana
- Atterbury Stone Arch Bridge, Nineveh, Indiana
- Aurora First Presbyterian Church, Aurora, Indiana
- Aurora Public Library, Aurora, Indiana
- Aylesworth Phantom Bridge, Aylesworth, Indiana
- Bear Branch, Indiana
- Bell-Barrett Cemetery, Carthage, Indiana
- Big 4 Stone Arch Railroad Bridge, Crawfordsville, Indiana
- Big Rocky Fork Creek Phantom Bridge, Mansfield, Indiana
- Bilby Tower
- Bill Viel Museum
- Booker T. Washington School
- Bridges of Osgood, Indiana
- Bridges of West Harrison, Indiana
- Bright Providence Presbyterian Church, Bright, Indiana
- Businesses & Homes of West Harrison, Indiana
- Businesses of Moores Hill, Indiana
- Canal House, Connersville, Indiana
- Canary Ditch Bridge, Franklin, Indiana
- Carnegie Hall Part 1
- Carnegie Hall Part 2
- Carthage, Indiana
- Cave Hill Road Concrete Arch Bridge, Olean, Indiana
- Cave Hill Road Steel Through Truss Bridge, Olean, Indiana
- Cedar Grove Bridge, Cedar Grove, Indiana
- Center Christian Church & Cemetery
- City of Spires Museum, Aurora, Indiana
- County Line Road Bridge, Carthage, Indiana
- Covered Bridges of Dearborn County, Indiana
- Covered Bridges of Jennings County, Indiana
- Covered Bridges of Rush County, Indiana
- Crooked Creek Phantom Bridge, Madison, Indiana
- Crosley Bridge, Vernon, Indiana
- Damm Theatre
- Daniel J. Tapley House
- Dearborn County Route 1, Phantom Bridge # 2, Bright, Indiana
- Dearborn County, Indiana Courthouse
- Denniston Bridge, Mexico, Indiana
- Dewees Farm Overpass, Brownsville, Indiana
- Dillsboro, Indiana
- Dr Elwood Mead Historical Marker, Patriot, Indiana
- Eagle Fire Company, Oldenburg, Indiana
- East Laughery Creek Road Phantom Bridge, Aurora, Indiana
- East Hill Cemetery
- Eleutherian College, Lancaster, Indiana
- Elmhurst Mansion, Connersville, Indiana
- Exploring an Abandoned Railroad Bridge with Rotted Ties, Covington, Indiana
- Fairview Cemetery, Fairview, Indiana
- Fayette County Courthouse, Connersville, Indiana
- Fayette County Historical Museum, Connersville, Indiana
- Fernando G. Taylor House
- Fire Destroys Historic Indiana Landmark, Dillsboro, Indiana
- First Baptist Church, Lawrenceburg-Greendale
- First Christian Church, Greensburg, Indiana
- First Christian Church, Madison, Indiana
- First Presbyterian Church of LaGrange, Indiana
- First United Methodist Church, Connersville, Indiana
- First Baptist Church of Moores Hill
- First Evangelical and Reformed Church
- Forest Hill Cemetery-Moores Hill
- Former YMCA Building, Greensburg, Indiana
- Former King Hotel & The Hog Rock Café
- Fort Ritner Phantom Bridge, Fort Ritner, Indiana
- Fort Ritner, Indiana, Level 4 Ghost Town
- Franklin County Bridge # 90, Cedar Grove, Indiana
- French, Indiana, Level 4 Ghost Town
- Friends Quaker Meeting House, Fountain City, Indiana
- Friendship Stone Arch Bridge, Friendship, Indiana
- Furnas Mill Bridge, Edinburgh, Indiana
- German Craftsmanship of Oldenburg, Indiana
- Ghost Town of Mt. Lawn, Indiana & the Mt. Lawn Speedway
- Ghost Town of Bonnell, Indiana
- Ghost Town of Weisburg, Indiana
- Glenwood United Methodist Church, Glenwood, Indiana
- Goddard Cemetery, Rush County, Indiana
- Greenbriar Bridge, Guilford, Indiana
- Greens Fork, Indiana
- Guilford Videos
- Hamline Chapel, Lawrenceburg, Indiana
- Happy Hollow Tunnel, Bonnell, Indiana
- Hartford, Indiana, Level 4 Ghost Town
- Hayden Historical Museum, Hayden, Indiana
- Henry County Courthouse, New Castle, Indiana
- Henry County Historical Society Museum, New Castle, Indiana
- Hillforest Mansion, Aurora, Indiana
- Historic Cambridge City, Indiana
- Historic Connersville, Indiana
- Historic Greendale, Indiana, 1852
- Historic Greensboro, Indiana
- Historic Knightstown, Indiana
- Historic Lawrenceburg, Indiana
- Historic McCordsville, Indiana
- Historic Middletown, Indiana
- Historic North Vernon, Indiana
- Historic Saint Paul, Indiana
- Historic Vernon, Indiana
- Historic Vevay, Indiana
- Historic Wolcottville, Indiana
- Historic Homes of Milan, Indiana
- Historic Homes of Moores Hill, Indiana
- History of New Point, Indiana
- History of Rock Climbing at Muscatatuck Park in North Vernon, Indiana
- History of Milan, Indiana
- History of Moores Hill, Indiana
- History of Osgood, Indiana
- History of West Harrison, Indiana
- Holy Family Catholic Church, Oldenburg, Indiana
- Holy Guardian Angels Church, Cedar Grove, Indiana
- Hopewell Settlement Spring House, Hopewell, Indiana
- Howe Military Academy, Howe, Indiana
- Huber Aqueduct, Connersville, Indiana
- Hyland Road Bridge, Dover, Indiana
- Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Millhousen, Indiana
- Indianapolis & Cincinnati Traction Company Bridges, Connersville, Indiana
- Jefferson County Courthouse, Madison, Indiana
- Jefferson Proving Ground, Madison, Indiana
- Jennings County Historical Society Museum, Vernon, Indiana
- Jennings County, Indiana Courthouse
- Jesse Hunt House Hotel
- Kaiser Feed Mill
- King Steam Car
- Kingston Presbyterian Church, Kingston, Indiana
- Klump’s Tavern, New Alsace, Indiana
- Kuebel Road Phantom Bridge, Guilford, Indiana
- Lake Waveland Underwater Phantom Bridge, Waveland, Indiana
- Lanier Mansion, Madison, Indiana
- Legendary Stories of Oldenburg, Indiana
- Level 4 Ghost Town, Milton, Indiana
- Lewis & Clark Trail Expansion Ceremony, Clarksville, Indiana
- Little Blue River Cemetery, Sexton, Indiana
- Lost Bridges of Switzerland County, Indiana
- Lower Dillsboro Road Bridge, Dillsboro, Indiana
- Lower-Laughlin Cemetery, Rushville, Indiana
- Lustron Home – Milan
- Lustron Home – Rising Sun
- Main Street Christian Church
- Manchester, Indiana
- Manilla Cemetery, Manilla, Indiana
- Martha A. Graham Ferry Boat, Vevay, Indiana
- McConnell Ford Phantom Bridge, Boggstown, Indiana
- Medora! Longest Covered Bridge in the United States!
- Michaela Farm, Oldenburg, Indiana
- Milan ’54 Museum
- Milan First Baptist Church
- Milan United Methodist Church
- Milan Wesleyan Church
- Milroy Cemetery, Milroy, Indiana
- Milton School, Milton, Indiana
- Moores Hill Reunion, Moores Hill, Indiana
- Moores Hill United Methodist Church
- Moscow Cemetery, Moscow, Indiana
- Most Popular Videos For 2024.
- Most Sorrowful Mother of God Catholic Church
- Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Dearborn County, Indiana
- Muscatatuck Park, North Vernon, Indiana
- Napoleon Central House
- Napoleon State Bank
- North Dearborn High School, Dover, Indiana
- Ohio County Historical Society Museum
- Ohio County, Indiana Courthouse
- Old Michigan Road, Holton, Indiana
- Old Route 120 Phantom Bridge, Howe, Indiana
- Old Scotland Bridge, Mechanicsburg, Indiana
- Old Tunnel Mill, Vernon, Indiana
- Old Gas Stations: An interview with Jeff Shroyer in Brookville, Indiana
- Oldenburg Maypole, Oldenburg, Indiana
- Opossum Hollow Canal Culvert, Greendale, Indiana
- Osgood Carnegie Public Library
- Osgood Historical Museum
- Osgood Quarries
- Past Businesses & Organizations of Milan, Indiana
- Pella Crossing and the Pribble Ghost Road, Guilford, Indiana
- Personal Life History Video
- Phantom Bridge on the Old Trackville Ghost Road, St. Leon, Indiana
- Pine Road Phantom Bridge, St. Peter, Indiana
- Princess Theater
- Raleigh, Indiana
- Richland Cemetery, Rush County
- Ripley County Fairgrounds
- Rising Sun Bethel Unity Baptist Church
- Rising Sun Blooper Video
- Rising Sun Carnegie Library
- Rising Sun First Presbyterian Church
- Rising Sun Main Street and Hoosier Pete Gas Station
- Rising Sun Seminary
- Rising Sun Toll House
- Rising Sun United Methodist Church
- Robinson’s Whitewater River Campground, Connersville, Indiana
- Route 46 Ghost Road and Phantom Bridge, Logan, Indiana
- Rush County, Indiana Courthouse
- Rushville Memorial Gymnasium
- Rushville Public Library
- Saint Charles Catholic Church
- Saint Leon Pole Raising 2016
- Saint Paul Lutheran Church
- Sardinia Baptist Church, Sardinia, Indiana
- Sawdon Ridge Ghost Road and Phantom Bridge, Guilford, Indiana
- Schlemmers Feed Mill
- Sergeant Major Robert Brown, Rushville, Indiana
- Shiloh Cemetery, Rush County
- Sibbett Moore Funeral Home
- Simpson Corner Bridge, Simpson Corner, Indiana
- Sisters of Saint Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana
- South Sparta Presbyterian Church
- Sparks Ferry Phantom Bridge, Sparksville, Indiana
- Sparta Baptist Church
- Springhill Presbyterian Church, Clarksburg, Indiana
- St. John Lutheran Church, Hubbells Corner, Indiana
- St. John Lutheran Church, Lawrenceburg, Indiana
- St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Enochsburg, Indiana
- St. Louis Catholic Church, Batesville, Indiana
- St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church
- St. Maurice Catholic Church, St. Maurice, Indiana
- St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
- St. John Lutheran Church
- St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Church
- St. Nicholas Catholic Church
- Stanley Schoolhouse, Albion, Indiana
- State Route 1 Phantom Bridge, # 3, Guilford, Indiana
- State Route 1/Georgetown Road Phantom Bridge, Bright, Indiana
- State Route 52 Ghost Road and Phantom Bridge # 2, Cedar Grove, Indiana
- State Route 46 Bridge, Dearborn County
- Stone Arch Road Bridge, Nineveh, Indiana
- The 3 Mystery Bridges of Cedar Grove, Indiana
- The Abandoned Able Mitchell Bridge, Bridgeton, Indiana
- The Abandoned Butler Bridge, Stockdale, Indiana
- The Abandoned Cicero Creek Railroad Bridge, Noblesville, Indiana
- The Abandoned Hartford Pike Bridge #1, French, Indiana
- The Abandoned Holliday Hydroelectric Powerhouse and Dam, Riverwood, Indiana
- The Abandoned Marble Hill Nuclear Power Plant, Paynesville, Indiana
- The Abandoned Mt Lawn, Interurban Phantom Bridge, Mt Lawn, Indiana
- The Abandoned North Dearborn Ghost Road & Phantom Bridge, Dover, Indiana
- The Abandoned Railroad Stone Bridge Abutments at Liggett Road, Guilford, Indiana
- The Abandoned Railroad Tracks of Perfect North Ski Slopes, Guilford, Indiana
- The Abandoned Schools of Butlerville, Indiana
- The Abandoned Star Mill Electric Company, Howe, Indiana
- The Abandoned State Route 129 Phantom Bridge, Cross Plains, Indiana
- The Abandoned Stone Arch Railroad Culvert, Guilford, Indiana
- The Abandoned White River Railroad Bridge, Noblesville, Indiana
- The Festivals of Oldenburg, Indiana
- The Finest Looking Private Driveway Bridge In The State Of Indiana
- The Former Applewood Restaurant, Aurora, Indiana
- The Great Train Derailment of 1967, Dearborn County, Indiana
- The Historic Blair Cemetery, Olean, Indiana
- The Historic Weaver Road Bridge, Wallace, Indiana
- The Indianapolis Firefighters Museum, Indianapolis, Indiana
- The Lost Bridges of Salt Fork Creek, Guilford, Indiana
- The Lost Road Grave, Mechanicsburg, Indiana
- The Oldenburg Corpus Christi Procession
- The Original Tractor Cab Company, Arlington, Indiana
- The Railroad Trestle that Outlasted John Hunt Morgan, Bonnell, Indiana
- The Story of the Guilford Red Bridge, Guilford, Indiana
- The Village of Spires, Oldenburg, Indiana
- The Volk Ford Bridge, Enochsburg, Indiana
- The Abandoned and Derelict Campbell Phantom Bridge, New Ross, Indiana
- The Abandoned Railroad Structures at Burtzelbach Road, Bonnell, Indiana
- The Abandoned State Route 52 Phantom Bridge, Cedar Grove, Indiana
- The Collapse of the Cook Road Phantom Bridge, Guilford, Indiana
- The LaGrange Phalanx Ghost Town, Brushy Prairie, Indiana
- The Mt. Lawn Speedway Bridge, Mt Lawn, Indiana
- Thiebaud Farmstead
- Tornado Destroys Covered Bridge, The Story of The J.D. Coffing Bridge, Attica, Indiana
- Triple Whipple Bridge
- Tyson School
- U.S. Route 50 Phantom Bridge, Ripley County, Indiana
- United States Center Population Marker for 1890, Decatur County, Indiana
- Veraestau State Historic Site, Aurora, Indiana
- West Harrison Elementary School
- West Harrison Furniture Company
- West Harrison Town Hall
- Westport Christian Church, Westport, Indiana
- Westport Covered Bridge, Westport, Indiana
- What The Hell Was That? The Muscatatuck River Route 256 Bridge, Austin, Indiana
- Whitewater Valley Railroad, Connersville, Indiana
- Whitewater Canal
- Whitley County Haunted Jail House, Columbia City, Indiana
- Widolffs General Store
- Willson Dairy Farm, Osgood, Indiana
- Wirt Baptist Church, Wirt, Indiana
- Wouling Road Bridge, Weisburg, Indiana