The Lost Road Grave, Mechanicsburg, Indiana

The Lost Road Grave, Mechanicsburg, Indiana

The Lost Road Grave, Mechanicsburg, Indiana

In the summer of 1851, Edward Shepherd who lived here along “Lost Road” was paid a visit one late afternoon by his father Mr. Shepherd Sr who was very sick. Unfortunately, Edward Shepherd was sick as well. The next day Mr. Shepherd Sr. died of his unknown illness. A grave was dug at the nearby Mechanicsburg Cemetery. Before Mr. Shepherd could be removed from the house and buried, doctors had declared that a Cholera Epidemic was sweeping through the area and Mr. Shepherds son, Edward became deathly ill as well. Edward died the next day. Local residents were terrified that two of their neighbors had passed away within days of each other and that both diseased bodies still remained in the house.

Rather than carting the two diseased corpses all the way to the Mechanicsburg Cemetery, it was decided by the locals to drag the bodies out of the house and bury them in a grave on the other side of the road…..Which is what they did!

To this day the two men are still buried next to the “Lost Road” just a few feet from daily drivers.