What The Hell Was That? The Muscatatuck River Route 256 Bridge, Austin, Indiana

What The Hell Was That? The Muscatatuck River Route 256 Bridge, Austin, Indiana

What The Hell Was That? The Muscatatuck River Route 256 Bridge, Austin, Indiana

Built in 1941 the Muscatatuck River Route 256 Bridge just west of Austin, Indiana was built in 1941 and is 285 feet long. The 10 Panel Parker Through Truss Bridge isn’t anything to wright home about but on the day that I was filming, something unusual and somewhat dangerous happened.

As I was walking along the river bed near the bridge I fell into a hole that was only about 1 foot in diameter but was well over 3 feet deep. This is the fourth time I have fallen into holes similar to this near other bridges in Indiana and Illinois. I originally thought these were groundhog holes but this one seemed too deep for that and why would a groundhog burrow so close to a river and right in the flood plain???

Anyway, watch this video and give me your thoughts on these holes.

By the way, the kitten that was found at the end of the video turned out to be a stray that was lost or dumped as I was unable to find an owner. In addition the kitten had a severe respiratory infection, fleas and worms where he was treated at a vet hospital later that evening. “Gabriel” is now a member of the History In Your Own Backyard team.

GPS Location:38°44’33.9″N 85°50’36.3″W