Fire Destroys Historic Indiana Landmark, Dillsboro, Indiana

Fire Destroys Historic Indiana Landmark, Dillsboro, Indiana

Fire Destroys Historic Indiana Landmark, Dillsboro, Indiana

On Thursday, December 15, 2022 a fire destroyed the historic Laughery Valley Ag Feed Mill in Dillsboro, Indiana. In 2015 a proposal to produce a documentary video on the history of the mill was sent to the facility but was never acted upon. Now because of the devastating fire, it’s too late to to do the documentary.

Nothing lasts forever and eventually your home, church, place of business or town will fall victim to a fire, flood, storm, neglect, progress, civil unrest, war, earthquakes, global warming or time itself. If you have the opportunity to have your property or town documented by History In Your Own Backyard or can can do it yourself, do it!

We all carry insurance on our buildings because we all know that at some point, that building could be lost in a matter of minutes. Take a lesson from the Laughery Valley Ag Feed Mill tragedy and have a documentary produced now before it’s too late.

GPS Location: 39°01’15.9″N 85°01’29.0″W