Victory Parkway Bridge, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio

Victory Parkway Bridge, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio

Victory Parkway Bridge, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio

The Victory Parkway Bridge was built in 1917 to replace a truss bridge and to provide a more pleasing view as you enter Eden Park. Although the bridge isn’t anything to write home about while driving along from above, the real beauty is of the architecture from below. The bridge which is 472 feet and spans Kemper Lane, was rehabilitated in 1939 when cantilevered sidewalks and balustrades were added. Reinforced concrete open spandrel arch bridges like this were popular in the 1920s and 1930s due to their attractive looks and cost saving material designs.

This bridge is a favorite in the Cincinnati area and the backdrop for many scenic pictures on the east side of town. An interesting side note, Victory Parkway was originally known as Bloody Run Boulevard. Several different stories are given to the name of the road but the most popular one is that a slaughter house was once located along the roadway, hence “Bloody Run Boulevard”. However the name was changed to “Victory Parkway” by the Cincinnati Park Board in 1921.

GPS Location: 39º07’10.9″N 84º29’13.8″