Tag: Bridge

Stone Arch Road Bridge, Nineveh, Indiana Stone Arch Road Bridge, Nineveh, Indiana

In 1885 the Johnson County Commissioners voted to have either a wooden or iron bridge built over Nineveh Creek for the Elliott & Pritchard families who were located on the north side of the creek. This would give them access to the town of Nineveh which was located southwest of the creek.

James H. Pudney won the bid to build the stone bridge abutments which were completed near the end of 1885 and the Massillion Bridge Company of Massillon, Ohio won the bid to build the iron superstructure at a cost of $1,205.40. Their portion of the project was completed in 1886.

The bridge is 85 feet long and was restored in 2011. The structure is in excellent shape and is used not only by people driving cars and trucks across the creek but also by the locals that crawl on their belly as well.