Abandoned Boyd Creek Pennsylvania Railroad Bridge, Pikeville, Ohio

Abandoned Boyd Creek Pennsylvania Railroad Bridge, Pikeville, Ohio

The Abandoned Boyd Creek Pennsylvania Railroad Bridge, Pikeville, Ohio

The Abandoned Boyd Creek Railroad Bridge is about all that remains of the once mighty Pennsylvania Railroad that ran from Columbus, Ohio to Chicago and known as the Columbus to Chicago Main Line.

It’s reported that this portion of the line may have opened in 1853. The line was eventually closed, abandoned and taken up in 1985.

The concrete closed spandrel arch bridge is about 50 feet long and spans Boyd Creek. The bridge was most likely built in the early 1900s and runs parallel to Hunter Road.

Standing on top of the bridge it’s quite clear to see where the rail line ran in both directions.

Today the bridge is hidden behind vegetation as it slowly disintegrates. It will probably stand for another 200 years but eventually wind, rain and ice will chip away at the hulk until it finally collapses into the creek below.

Another piece of history fading away.