The Ross Log House, Symmes Township, Ohio

The Ross Log House, Symmes Township, Ohio

Ohio's Finest Log House? The Historic Ross Log House, Symmes Township

This 2-story log home was originally located at the corner of Rich Road and Mulberry Street. The Symmes Township Historical Society believes Jane and John Ross, Jr. built the log house about 1836. In the 1830’s there were no “building permits” issued so it’s hard to know for certain. But when the Ross’ purchased the 137-acre tract they had 7 children. This house is 20′ x 24′ and is a full 2-story log house. The size of the house would have accommodated the family and the Society’s research to date points to this family as builders of the log structure.

The original log home had an interior chimney. This is somewhat unusual but a feature that would have kept the house warmer in the winter months. The beams are hand hewn and many of the logs still have bark on them. The floorboards are not original to the house, but are from trees that were over 100 years old. They were transported to Camp Dennison and a portable saw mill was used to create the existing boards. An unusual feature of the house is the front door, which is no higher than six (6) feet. Why such a short main entrance to the house – were people really shorter 180 years ago?

GPS Location: 39º16’56.7″N 84º17’14.2″W