The Fishing Creek Phantom Bridge, Tylersville, Pennsylvania

The Fishing Creek Phantom Bridge, Tylersville, Pennsylvania

The Fishing Creek Phantom Bridge, Tylersville, Pennsylvania

Built in 1901 this pony truss bridge is about 70 feet long and spans Fishing Creek in the town of Tylersville, Pennsylvania. The bridge was bypassed in the early 1960s when Route 880 was built. This pony truss bridge appears to have been in use up until the early 1990s when it was closed due to the superstructure being in danger of “imminent failure”. I don’t think anyone even walks across the bridge anymore although it looks like a few birds are using it for building nests during the summer. Though it’s not anything to write home about, this little pony truss bridge is older than anyone on the entire planet and has faithfully served generations of travelers in Clinton County, Pennsylvania and especially the town of Tylersville.

GPS Location: 40º59’36.9″N 77º25’16.9″W