The Abandoned Alternate Route 58 Phantom Bridge, Jonesville, Virginia

The Abandoned Alternate Route 58 Phantom Bridge, Jonesville, Virginia

The Abandoned Alternate Route 58 Phantom Bridge, Jonesville, Virginia

While driving through Lee County, Virginia I luckily found a phantom bridge from a former state route out in the middle of a field!

So after doing a little research I found that the road this bridge once serviced may have been called State Highway 64 as shown on this map dated 1935. It looks like sometime prior to 1935 the highway was realigned and this bridge and road was bypassed. In this 1949 map it shows the highway renamed Alternate Route 58 with the former road alignment where the bridge is located being totally bypassed yet remained a secondary road.

GPS Location: 36º42’27.0″N 83º06’46.5″W