What The Hell Was That? The Muscatatuck River Route 256 Bridge, Austin, Indiana
What The Hell Was That? The Muscatatuck River Route 256 Bridge, Austin, Indiana
Built in 1941 the Muscatatuck River Route 256 Bridge just west of Austin, Indiana was built in 1941 and is 285 feet long. The 10 Panel Parker Through Truss Bridge isn’t anything to wright home about…[View More]
Crosley Bridge, Vernon, Indiana
Crosley Bridge, Vernon, Indiana
Powell Crosley was a wealthy entrepreneur from Cincinnati, Ohio who purchased thousands of acres of ground in Jennings County, Indiana. Here’s the story of the bridge he had built for his person…[View More]
Old Tunnel Mill, Vernon, Indiana
Old Tunnel Mill, Vernon, Indiana
Built in the 1824, Old Tunnel Mill is hidden in the dense forest near Vernon, Indiana. Only a few walls and the stack remain.
U.S. Route 50 Phantom Bridge, Ripley County, Indiana
U.S. Route 50 Phantom Bridge, Ripley County, Indiana
Phantom Bridge found along U.S. Route 50 in Indiana.
History of Rock Climbing at Muscatatuck Park in North Vernon, Indiana
History of Rock Climbing at Muscatatuck Park in North Vernon, Indiana
Rock climbing may be considered a fringe sport when compared to baseball, football or soccer. However, rock climbing probably requires more strength, stamina and mental concen…[View More]
Muscatatuck Park, North Vernon, Indiana
Muscatatuck Park, North Vernon, Indiana
Muscatatuck Park is Indiana’s 4th State Park but has now been transformed into a local county park which is noted for its rock climbing and the site of a former mil…[View More]