Level 4 Ghost Town, Milton, Indiana

Level 4 Ghost Town, Milton, Indiana

Level 4 Ghost Town, Milton, Indiana and Vintage Photos of Historic Homes in Union Township, Ohio Cty

The town of Milton, Indiana is a “Level 4 Ghost Town”. Let me explain: Milton is located in the states smallest county, Ohio County. The town, originally called James‘ Mills or Jamestown was laid out in 1825 by Pinkney James. A grist mill and saw mill were started by Mr. James in 1824. The grist mill had a square stone chimney suggesting steam was used as a possible source of energy at some point. A mill dam was built across the creek with a mill race constructed on the creek opposite of Milton.

Indian Mounds were common in this area with one mound near the town being excavated resulting in several bodies being discovered.

A post office was established at Milton in 1847, and remained in operation until it was discontinued just 3 years later in 1850. The reason for such a short existence is that the mail was brought in by horseback from Aurora. The trip to Milton required crossing Laughery Creek 4 times where delivering the mail to the town of Guionville directly across Laughery Creek from Milton only required two stream crossings. Hence Guionville won the designation for the Post Office.

Two steamboats were built there between the saw and grist mills. The first one built was called the Dolphin. Later in 1836 the Renown was built.

A steel Through Truss bridge spanned Laughery Creek connecting Milton and Guionville, however that bridge was removed in 1988 when a new bridge was constructed just 200 yards upstream.

During it’s prime in 1878, Milton consisted of a saw mill and a grist mill, 1 store, 1 wagon shop, 2 blacksmith shops, 1 carpenter, The Methodist Episcopalian Church built in 1878 which still stands today, a hotel and 1 school house.

A memorial has been erected at the north end of town commemorating the Pioneers who did their best to create a living in what was then a dense wilderness.

Today, all of the businesses are completely closed and only 5 houses remain if you include the Methodist Church.

GPS Location: 38°58’44.4″N 85°00’52.8″W