2024 Solar Eclipse, Morristown, Indiana

2024 Solar Eclipse, Morristown, Indiana

Strange Shadow Races Across Field Before 2024 Solar Eclipse, Morristown, Indiana. What Was it?

I’ve lived through several partial solar eclipses where the skies got a little funky and strange shadows showed the eclipse on the ground. But I’ve never experienced a solar eclipse with totality. This 2024 eclipse was coming over my house in downtown Weisburg, Indiana but only giving at best 1 to 2 minutes of totality. I did some research and found if I drove about 48 miles northwest to Morristown, Indiana we could be almost directly under the center line of the eclipse path and experience a full 4 minutes of totality! So Jean and I packed up the car and headed out to the Asbury Cemetery just 1/2 mile from downtown Morristown, Indiana. There I setup my video camera in a stationary position to film the event and 5 minutes before totality I threw up the drone and just let it hover at 300 feet to capture the beginning and end of totality from the sky.

I’m very fortunate as I have seen quite a few amazing things in my life but this definitely rates in the top 5. I will never forget April 8, 2024.

I had almost an hour of video but cut it down to about 20 minutes. I separated it into three sections so you can decide what you want to watch.

Section 1 is the stationary camera on the ground in real time along with background conversations from Jean and I along with the ooos and ahhs of the other 20 people also watching in the cemetery. The original clip is 42 minutes but I cut this down to just 8 minutes covering the main event.

Section 2 is the 8 minutes of the stationary camera again but the film is speeded up and the entire event condensed into about a 2 minute time frame.

Section 3 is the drone in real time featuring the main part of the eclipse over a 14 minute time frame.

While the drone was up, a strange shadow appeared racing across the field before totality. I’m thinking it was a jet contrail???? Let me know what you think in the comments below.


GPS Location: 39º40’59.2″N 85º42’14.5″W