Moores Hill Reunion, Moores Hill, Indiana
Moores Hill Reunion, Moores Hill, Indiana
Several longtime Moores Hill residents reminisce about growing up in this rural Dearborn County community.
Moores Hill United Methodist Church
Moores Hill United Methodist Church
Built in 1871, the Moores Hill United Methodist Church is on the National Register of Historic Places.
Businesses of Moores Hill, Indiana
Businesses of Moores Hill, Indiana
In the 1950s Moores Hill was a thriving rural town with quite a few businesses. Unfortunately after the State Route was realigned, traffic was routed around the town and b…[View More]
Forest Hill Cemetery-Moores Hill
Forest Hill Cemetery-Moores Hill
Established in the early 1800s, the Forest Hill Cemetery is the final resting place of many of the founding fathers of Moores Hill.
Sibbett Moore Funeral Home
Sibbett Moore Funeral Home
The Sibbett Moore Funeral Home resides in a house built in 1908 although the business dates back to the 1800s.
First Baptist Church of Moores Hill
First Baptist Church of Moores Hill
The First Batist Church of Moores Hill was established in 1851 and built in 1866.
Historic Homes of Moores Hill, Indiana
Historic Homes of Moores Hill, Indiana
Morres Hill has a wide variety of homes with interesting architecture. Here is just a sampling of the homes.
History of Moores Hill, Indiana
History of Moores Hill, Indiana
Moores Hill, Indiana was pioneered in 1818 by Adam Moore who brought his family here from Maryland.
Carnegie Hall Part 1
Carnegie Hall Part 1
Built in 1907, Carnegie Hall was built as a college in the Moores Hill area
Carnegie Hall Part 2
Carnegie Hall Part 2
Part II of Carnegie Hall deals with the interior architecture of the building.