The Abandoned Schools of Butlerville, Indiana
The Abandoned Schools of Butlerville, Indiana
Butlerville, Indiana built a high school in 1904 and a grade school in 1922. Unfortunately neither school has been used in over 20 years and time has taken its toll on both buildings.
Crosley Bridge, Vernon, Indiana
Crosley Bridge, Vernon, Indiana
Powell Crosley was a wealthy entrepreneur from Cincinnati, Ohio who purchased thousands of acres of ground in Jennings County, Indiana. Here’s the story of the bridge he had built for his person…[View More]
Jefferson Proving Ground, Madison, Indiana
Jefferson Proving Ground, Madison, Indiana
Established in 1941, the Jefferson Proving Ground facility was operational up until 1995. This video is about the historic structures hidden deep in the woods.
Old Tunnel Mill, Vernon, Indiana
Old Tunnel Mill, Vernon, Indiana
Built in the 1824, Old Tunnel Mill is hidden in the dense forest near Vernon, Indiana. Only a few walls and the stack remain.
Jennings County Historical Society Museum, Vernon, Indiana
Jennings County Historical Society Museum, Vernon, Indiana
Established in 1961 the Jennings County Historical Society Museum building was originally a stage coach stop and tavern!
A Place Called Yesterday, Hayden, Indiana
A Place Called Yesterday, Hayden, Indiana
A fascinating story of a man who accidentally began collecting music boxes and grew it into one of the finest collections in the country.
Hayden Historical Museum, Hayden, Indiana
Hayden Historical Museum, Hayden, Indiana
The Hayden Historical Museum is one of the best small town history museums in the state of Indiana featuring items, articles and artifacts of the area. I highly recommend …[View More]
Covered Bridges of Jennings County, Indiana
Covered Bridges of Jennings County, Indiana
Only 2 covered bridges remain in Jennings County, Indiana, the James Creek Covered Bridge and the Scipio Covered Bridge. Here’s the story on the history of both bridge…[View More]
Jennings County, Indiana Courthouse
Jennings County, Indiana Courthouse
Built in 1860 at a cost of $26,375.00 this was the third courthouse for Jennings County.
Historic Vernon, Indiana
Historic Vernon, Indiana
Vernon, Indiana is the County Seat yet it is one of the smaller towns in the state. Sever interesting stories can be heard in this video regarding it’s history and …[View More]