History of Rock Climbing at Muscatatuck Park in North Vernon, Indiana
History of Rock Climbing at Muscatatuck Park in North Vernon, Indiana
Rock climbing may be considered a fringe sport when compared to baseball, football or soccer. However, rock climbing probably requires more strength, stamina and mental concen…[View More]
Muscatatuck Park, North Vernon, Indiana
Muscatatuck Park, North Vernon, Indiana
Muscatatuck Park is Indiana’s 4th State Park but has now been transformed into a local county park which is noted for its rock climbing and the site of a former mil…[View More]
Lanier Mansion, Madison, Indiana
Lanier Mansion, Madison, Indiana
The Lanier Mansion is the most historic mansion in the State of Indiana. Built in 1844 this masterpiece is the cornerstone of Madison, Indiana.
First Christian Church, Madison, Indiana
First Christian Church, Madison, Indiana
Constructed during the Civil War, the First Christian Church of Madison, Indiana has survived 2 fires and is now probably the most beautiful church in the county. Here’s a short video on this go…[View More]
Crooked Creek Phantom Bridge, Madison, Indiana
Crooked Creek Phantom Bridge, Madison, Indiana
Built in 1910 and bypassed in the 1930s, the Crooked Creek Phantom Bridge sits deep in the woods on the west side of Madison, Indiana. How did it get there???? Watch the…[View More]
Jefferson County Courthouse, Madison, Indiana
Jefferson County Courthouse, Madison, Indiana
Built in 1859 at a cost of $36,000.00, this is the third courthouse constructed in Jefferson County, Indiana. The courthouse was almost lost on May 20, 2009 when a fire broke out during a renovation p…[View More]
Wirt Baptist Church, Wirt, Indiana
Wirt Baptist Church, Wirt, Indiana
The Wirt Baptist Church was first established in 1817 with the current structure built in 1851.
The Railroad Trestle that Outlasted John Hunt Morgan, Bonnell, Indiana
The Railroad Trestle that Outlasted John Hunt Morgan, Bonnell, Indiana
When Confederate General John Hunt Morgan invaded Indiana in 1863, he torched many bridges and railroad trestles along the way. Here’s a story of one such trestle.
Eleutherian College, Lancaster, Indiana
Eleutherian College, Lancaster, Indiana
The Eleutherian College in rural Lancaster, Indiana is probably the most important building in Indiana. Here’s the story behind the building.
United States Center Population Marker for 1890, Decatur County, Indiana
United States Center Population Marker for 1890, Decatur County, Indiana
Every 10 years since 1790 the United States has conducted a census survey to get an idea of how many people are in the country and where they are located. After each census a marker is placed in the l…[View More]