Fayette County Historical Museum, Connersville, Indiana
Fayette County Historical Museum, Connersville, Indiana
The Fayette County Historical Museum in Connersville, Indiana has a wide array of items but probably the most impressive portion of the museum is the automobile exhibit which includes a very rare 1937…[View More]
Canal House, Connersville, Indiana
Canal House, Connersville, Indiana
Built in 1842 as an office for the White Water Canal Company, the building as been transformed over the years into a bank and then a home. Now the Canal House is a local museum.
Whitewater Valley Railroad, Connersville, Indiana
Whitewater Valley Railroad, Connersville, Indiana
Born out of the canal system, the railroads across the eastern half of the United States took advantage of the canal towpaths to lay down tracks for the next form of transportation in the mid 1800s…[View More]
Historic Lawrenceburg, Indiana
Historic Lawrenceburg, Indiana
Founded in the early 1800s, Lawrenceburg, Indiana is the river town that wouldn’t give up. Battered by multiple floods in the 1800s and early 1900s, this town has come back and is now a historic…[View More]
County Line Road Bridge, Carthage, Indiana
County Line Road Bridge, Carthage, Indiana
Built in 1916, this is only one of 3 Parker Truss bridges still standing in Rush County, Indiana.
Aurora Public Library, Aurora, Indiana
Aurora Public Library, Aurora, Indiana
Built in 1914 the Aurora Public Library strongly resembles a Carnegie Library, however it was funded by Georgiana Sutton a local resident of Aurora.
First Baptist Church, Lawrenceburg-Greendale
First Baptist Church, Lawrenceburg-Greendale
Established in 1807 the First Baptist Church of Lawrenceburg-Greendale is one of the oldest Baptist Churches in the State of Indiana.
Milton School, Milton, Indiana
Milton School, Milton, Indiana
Built in 1923 the Milton School was the cornerstone of the town of Milton. Unfortunately the school was closed and eventually fell into disrepair. Demolition of the school began on Tuesday, March 19th…[View More]
Jefferson Proving Ground, Madison, Indiana
Jefferson Proving Ground, Madison, Indiana
Established in 1941, the Jefferson Proving Ground facility was operational up until 1995. This video is about the historic structures hidden deep in the woods.
Old Tunnel Mill, Vernon, Indiana
Old Tunnel Mill, Vernon, Indiana
Built in the 1824, Old Tunnel Mill is hidden in the dense forest near Vernon, Indiana. Only a few walls and the stack remain.