Tufts Schildmeyer Family Funeral Home
Tufts Schildmeyer Family Funeral Home
Tufts Schildmeyer Funeral Home was built in the mid 1800s as a private residence for a riverboat captain on the Ohio River.
Hayes, Henrie, Jackson & Heinrich House
Hayes, Henrie, Jackson & Heinrich House
The Jackson House was built in 1859 and at one point was used as a school for the local children.
Former West Loveland School, now Loveland Art Studios on Main
Former West Loveland School, now Loveland Art Studios on Main
The original Loveland School was built in 1888 and completely updated in 1925. It was used as a school up until 1942. Today it is used as an art studio.
First Principal Meridian Marker
First Principal Meridian Marker
The First Principal Meridian Marker has a fascinating history that very few people know about. This is one of 3 State line markers along the Ohio/Indiana border. Three week…[View More]
Greenhills Community Building
Greenhills Community Building
Built in 1938 the Community Building originally served as a school for the newly formed community of Greenhills.
Great Miami Railroad Bridge and Aqueduct
Great Miami Railroad Bridge and Aqueduct
A fascinating story of the former Cincinnati and Whitewater Canal which dates back to 1839.
Science Hall One Room School House
Science Hall One Room School House
The Science One Room School House was located along the old Winton Road alignment. It was built in the 1870s and used up until 1938.
Cleves Steel Thru Truss Bridge
Cleves Steel Thru Truss Bridge
Built in 1959, this historic bridge is one of the few Steel Truss Bridges still standing in the United States.
Schools of Greenhills, Ohio
Schools of Greenhills, Ohio
Schools in the Greenhills area date back to the 1800s and included everything from one room school houses to consolidated high schools.
One Room School Houses of Miami Township
One Room School Houses of Miami Township
Three 1 room school houses still stand in Miami Township. Here’s the story before the consoildated school system came into existence.