This modest home at the corner of 13th Court and 58th Street in Kenosha changed the history for the state of Wisconsin. Here’s the story…
John McCaffary was born in Ireland in 1820 a…[View More]
Just west of Laughery Creek and north of the Ohio River in Ohio County, Indiana sits the small town of French, originally known as Buffalo, Indiana.
Rumor has it that this level 4 Ghost Town…[View More]
According to Historic The Chicago & Alton Bascule Railroad Bridge was built in 1906 by the American Bridge Company of New York. This bascule railroad bridge is 214 feet long and sp…[View More]
Although I spoke to 5 or 6 people in Nelson County regarding the build date for this bridge, no one was able to come up with a firm date although after using old highway maps and aerial photography…[View More]
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