The Aylesworth Phantom Bridge is one of three abandoned bridges in Fountain County, Indiana. Built in 1910 by the Attica Bridge Company, it’s 102 feet long and spans the North Fork of Coal Cr…[View More]
Before we talk about this bridge, let’s start at the beginning to see how we got here in the first place…
Originally there was the Mill Street Covered Bridge built in 1861 by the Att…[View More]
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The I-77 Ohio River Bridge connecting Ohio and West Virginia was constructed in 1965. Total length of the bridge is 2615 feet with the Polygonal Warren Truss portion of the bridge coming in at 651 …[View More]
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If you have ever been to the Medora Covered Bridge, let me know what year it was in the comments below.
The bridge is 431 feet from abutment to abutment and spans the East Fork of the White …[View More]