Stony Creek Ghost Road, Maybee, Michigan

Stony Creek Ghost Road, Maybee, Michigan

Do You Have Any Information on The Stony Creek Ghost Road in Maybee, Michigan?

Located 3 miles due north of Maybee, Michigan are the remains of the original South Stony Creek Ghost Road.

A 200 yard section of the former roadway contains this historic culvert built in 1908 which is about 10 feet long and spans the Herkimer Drain. While doing research on this video project I discovered that in the State of Michigan a span less than 20 feet is considered a culvert while a span 20 feet or more is considered a bridge.

The original culvert was bypassed sometime between 1913-1916 when the road was realigned and a new culvert was installed just 40 feet to the northeast. That culvert was then replaced with the current culvert in 2019. The 1908 culvert is still in fairly good shape although both parapets are cracked.

This is an easy phantom culvert to see when driving by and the ghost road is very visible and well defined.

If anyone knows anything else about the culvert or the road, please leave a message in the comments below.

GPS Location: 42º02’56.4″N 83º31’10.6″W